Krakow to Auschwitz

Auschwitz is one of the most famous places of tragedy in the world. It was here that during the Second World War the Nazi regime imprisoned, used for hard work and effectively killed people with thousands of each day.
It is certainly a very sad place marked by the tragedy of many people. Nevertheless, there is also a place from memory that we can learn a lot from. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people visit Auschwitz. The easiest way to get here is from Krakow. During the season, each day Krakow to Auschwitz are organized. There is also very good public transport to Auschwitz. Being already in Krakow and if we have some free time, it is definitely worth visiting the old town. Wawel, Sukiennice or Bazylika Mariacka are some of the most popular Polish monuments that are worth seeing with your own eyes. Krakow is also a good starting point for other great Małopolska regions to places such as Auschwitz or the Beskid mountains.
Auschwitz, Krakow or the Beskid mountains are places that everyone should visit at least once in their lives are places that can tell not one story from which we can learn a lot.

A visit to the Memorial Site and Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim during the Krakow to Auschwitz tour is a unique experience. Visiting the camp evokes the memory of those events, genocide and the Holocaust. The trip Krakow to Auschwitz  gives a lot to think about.

The idea to set up the camp appeared at the end of 1939, and the choice of Auschwitz resulted from convenient rail connections and the buildings of the former barracks located there. The official date of starting the camp was June 14, 1940, when the first mass transport of prisoners took place. Two years later, Auschwitz II (Birkenau) was commissioned in Brzezinka, 3 kilometers away. The largest of the whole complex. It is worth visiting during the Krakow to Auschwitz trip.

The camp was liberated on January 27, 1945, and in 1947 Auschwitz I and II was transformed into the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim. In 1979, the grounds of the former camp, which were within the boundaries of the museum, were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is the only item of this type inscribed on the list to represent other genocide sites.

During the Krakow to Auschwitz tour, visitors will have the opportunity to learn more about the history of the camp's events taking place here. The first experiments of killing with the use of Cyclone B took place in Auschwitz I. It was also here that the first mass transports of Jews were murdered. The camp was a center where medical experiments were carried out on prisoners. During Krakow to Auschwitz you will also see places of mass executions. The camp housed the central detention center of Block No. 11 for prisoners from all parts of the camp complex, there also was the camp commandant and most of the SS offices. From this place, the camp authorities managed further expansion.

In the cinema hall of the building for receiving visitors, you can also watch a 15-minute documentary film showing the first moments after the liberation of the camp. Krakow to Auschwitz is an opportunity to get to know the history of not only the Auschwitz I camp, but also the rest of the camp complex.

Visiting both parts of the former camp, Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau, during the Krakow to Auschwitz tour, are necessary to understand the essence of Nazi crimes. Visiting both parts of the former camp, Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau, are necessary to understand the essence of Nazi crimes and their origins. A stay in Auschwitz is time consuming. Visiting the first complex takes about 1.5 hours, the same amount of time should be spent exploring Birkenau. During Krakow to Auschwitz most of the sites and facilities of former camps are made available to the public, excluding reserve blocks, administration and museum departments. During Krakow to Auschwitz, visitors will learn more about the extermination camps and their history. The first killing cyclone B experiments took place in this camp. The first mass transports of Jews were murdered in the Auschwitz camp, and a criminal experiment on prisoners was carried out there. Executions were also carried out by shooting at the Auschwitz camp. It housed the central camp detention of block No. 11 for prisoners from all parts of the camp complex, as well as the main commandant of the camp and most of the SS offices. Hence, the camp authorities managed the further expansion of the camp complex.

During the Krakow to Auschwitz trip we will learn that the camp was an unusual place. It was a complex where many people waited for death, but unusual things happened there. One of the most interesting facts about the camp is that there was a midwife, or rather a midwife, who achieved better results than many reputable clinics in Germany. The Krakow to Auschwitz trip will allow us to get to know better the person of Stanisława Leszczyńska who was sent to the camp for helping Jews. At the camp, she continued to practice the profession of a midwife. The conditions of her work at Auschwitz weren't enviable, she often worked in extreme conditions. She received births on a chimney duct along the barrack. The story of the results of her work, which we will learn during the trip Krakow to Auschwitz can really surprise us. The midwife managed to successfully pick up all the births she carried out, the results of her efforts surprised Dr. Mengele himself. No mother or child died during the dissolution.

In addition to a lot of information on health issues, during the
Krakow to Auschwitz trip, we will have the opportunity to learn a little about the everyday life of the camp and about what activities the prisoners sought respite from everyday drudgery and the constant threat of death. A break away from the camp reality was entertainment organized on their own. Thanks to Krakow to Auschwitz we will learn that prisoners, on a stage made of blankets, sang camp couplets, gave monologues, as well as recited poems, organized stage performances, and sometimes circus performances. The guide, during Krakow to Auschwitz, will tell us about a secret theater in which mimes, acrobats, clowns and even an illusionist performed. Some prisoners also had painting talents. This could save them from death. Artists were entrusted with various works to prisoners, ranging from portraying other prisoners, through documenting medical experiments, to painting portraits of SS men's wives and girls.

Organized study groups can also, during
Krakow to Auschwitz, visit blocks 2 and 3 of the former Auschwitz I camp and hospital barracks (B-80 and B-20) in Auschwitz II-Birkenau. This is a great way to visit the reserve blocks, which are the hospital barracks. The Krakow to Auschwitz trip will show us that their interiors have been preserved almost intact since the liberation of the camp. What rooms can be seen during the study group tour? These include prisoner rooms, a washroom and toilets. Inside, among others, original mattresses, bunks, as well as other elements of block equipment. These facilities are made available to visitors of the Memorial in organized study groups (numbering maximum 20 people), after prior notification.

During the private tour of Auschwitz we will learn about many rules that prevailed in the camp and which had to be followed in order to survive in the camp. The first rule was to follow the advice of elders. From day one in the camp, the stay was a fight for survival, in which those who learned the rules had the best chances. Another important principle was to avoid over-work. Work on the SS farm, pigsty, food warehouse or sorting plant - these were the prisoners' real dreams. Acceptable jobs were underway, but were taking place under the roof. During the
private tour of Auschwitz we will learn that the worst work was lifting railway sleepers, rolling the terrain or lifting rollers. It was a straight path to death. Simulating work, when it was also possible, was an important element of camp life. You could not overwork, but in such a way that the SS did not catch the prisoner. During the private tour of Auschwitz we will learn that compliance with the work discipline set by the executioners is a simple way to destroy the body.

When we go on a
private tour of Auschwitz, we should read the regulations of the museum and read the most important information about this place. In the museum, we can photograph, however, with due seriousness, appropriate to the place where we are staying. A similar rule applies to the outfit. How we dress for the private tour of Auschwitz depends only on us, however the clothes we choose must express our respect for the place we are in. Larger bags must be stored, so it is worth taking a small bag with you. Few places and tours can be compared to the private tour of Auschwitz, especially in terms of emotions. We will learn a lot about the events taking place in the camp, we will also feel the emotions and atmosphere that reign in this place to this day. Our company offers an unforgettable, professional visit to Auschwitz, during which you will learn about many extraordinary facts about this place.

Private tour of Auschwitz will show us how well this machine was organized. The prisoners were uniformly dressed, shaved, and each had their own camp number. This is a plus, because nowadays this scrupulousness provides us with many opportunities to learn something about the people in the camp. After private tour of Auschwitz we can check information about any prisoner whose history interested us during the visit. We just need to know his number. With this information, we can go to the museum's website, enter the number and we will see the information available about the person. But this information is not only for people who were on private tour of Auschwitz. To this day, there are many ancestors of the former camp prisoners who would like to learn more about the lives of their relatives. Such a database undoubtedly makes it possible to fill in the gaps.